Board of Directors


  • Linda C. Marasco


    In 2019 Linda Marasco joined the TWSA Board as E-Newsletter Editor and was proudly appointed Vice President in 2021. Linda’s interest in art began with her mother’s interest, who collected art, painted in oil, and had a studio at home. She took advanced art classes while in school. After that, art took a back seat until early retirement, when she found a nationally known artist and instructor in Dallas, and studied under her tutelage for over 15 years, starting in the beginner’s class and finishing in the Master Class. Linda has been painting for over 30 years and continually takes workshops with many nationally known artists. She moved from Dallas and has lived in northern Illinois for over 16 years.

  • Carlotta Miller

    Vice President, Workshop Chair

    Carlotta joined the TWSA Board in 2019. She served as Dinner Chair until her recent appointment as Workshop Chair in 2021.

    Born and raised in North Dakota, Carlotta taught art for thirty plus years in Wisconsin before retiring to further her interests in watercolor painting. She has exhibited nationally and locally and holds signature status in Watercolor Honor Society and Red River Watercolor Society. Most days she can be found at her studio that she has maintained for the past ten years. or

  • Becky Kraft


    Becky has lived mostly in the Chicago suburbs. She has enjoyed being on the TWSA board for about 10 years in various roles and now Secretary. In addition to art work, her interests are her grandchildren, photography and singing in a choir with her husband. She graduated from Indiana University with a BA and is owner/manager of Dogwood Studio/Gallery.

  • Pat Rodell


    Although having never been juried into a TWSA show, I think it’s important to contribute my time and energy to TWSA. In retirement and after many stops and starts, I decided to attempt watercolor painting. Attending TWSA workshops in Kenosha introduced me to this great art community.

    I earned a B.S. in Art from the University of Wisconsin Madison in the early 1980s. After graduation I became a stay at home Mom and had little time for painting. As my life quieted down, watercolor has provided me an opportunity to enjoy art again. Having been involved with TWSA for a while, it became apparent that many other artists share the same art-life timeline.

    I live in Oconomowoc Wisconsin with my husband John. We have two married daughters and currently one grandchild. I am still working towards that accepted entry into a juried TWSA show.

  • Sheryl Fletcher-Coon

    TWSA 2nd VP & Exhibition Chair

    Sheryl joined the board of the Transparent Watercolor Society of America in 2008 as secretary. Moving to position of Exhibition Chair in 2010, she has worked for years alongside jurors, instructors, artist entrants and museum administration.  She served as President of TWSA for 2019 and 2020/21 and holds Life membership. 

    Sheryl began painting in 2005 while living in Pennsylvania, taking classes in acrylic painting.  She began to work with watercolor in 2007, under the tutelage of talented artists members of the Transparent Watercolor Society of America. 

    She has attended numerous workshops, benefitting from the generous sharing of insights and techniques by accomplished artists across the United States and Canada. 

    Sheryl has achieved four Signature status designations: TWSA, NWS, FWS, IWS. Sheryl now returns to the TWSA Exhibition Chair in 2021, continuing to encourage artists in their artistic endeavors.

    A Southern girl at heart, having been raised in the Sunshine State. She is mother of two happily married sons, Nana to two grandchildren and married to the love of her life, Russell for 43 years.


  • Julie Skoda

    Julie Skoda, President Emeritus, Catalog Design & Print Production

    Julie Skoda has been involved with TWSA for over seven years as the point person for print production including magazine ads, brochures and the annual juried exhibition catalog. She loves to paint plein air and in the studio in watercolor and pastel. She teaches art classes at the La Grange Art League Gallery & Studio and the McCord Gallery & Cultural Center throughout the year. She also gives demos and workshops in pastel painting. Her teaching schedule and work can be seen at

  • Gayle Carlson McManamon

    Website Chair

    Gayle joined TWSA as Historian in 2007, was appointed Vice President in 2009, and served as President from June 2011 through June 2013. During that time, she focused on moving TWSA to online submissions, working closely with the board. TWSA began accepting online submissions in 2014.

    Currently, Gayle serves as our Website Chair, working closely with Josh Mondie, our web administrator.

    Gayle attended her first watercolor workshop in Monterey, California in 1998. She’s attended numerous workshops and has enjoyed painting in watercolor ever since. Gayle is a lifetime member of TWSA.

    In addition to painting in watercolor, Gayle paints in oil, acrylic and pastel and enjoys working in clay. She shares her passion for the arts with her elementary art students and adult Creative Ministry students.

  • Maureen Holcomb

    Dinner Chair

    I grew up in Northern Illinois and have dedicated over twenty years to the art of watercolor painting. My artistic journey has been enriched through training with esteemed artists and participation in various workshops and classes on a weekly basis. I continuously seek opportunities to enhance my skills by collaborating with other talented watercolorists, ensuring my growth in this medium. My work is displayed in prominent venues throughout the greater Lake County, IL area, including the Antioch Fine Arts Foundation Gallery and my online shop,

     In addition to my artistic endeavors, I contribute to the Lakes Region Watercolor Guild in Lake County, Illinois, where I focus on coordinating workshops. Since 2023, I have been a member of TWSA and currently hold the position of Dinner Chair on the TWSA Board of Directors. Outside of watercolor, I have a passion for cooking, decorating, and exploring the outdoors. My greatest happiness comes from spending time with my four beloved grandchildren and biking with my husband, with whom I have shared 43 wonderful years of marriage.

    Email:Dinner Chair

  • Laura Brennan Pooler


    Laura joined the TWSA board in 2023 as Membership Chair.  In 2024, she was appointed as a TWSA Director.  She was originally attracted to the organization because of the incredible workshops and all of the talented and friendly artists, students, and volunteers.  She was thrilled to be juried in to the 2023 TWSA Online Exhibition.

    Laura studied art briefly in college, but discovered that everyone else was better than she was and promptly changed her major to computer science.  She returned to art mid-life and chose watercolor because she wanted to combine travel and painting, but her current obsession is still-life.  Glassware and silver are her favorites to paint, because when done right, the result seems like a magic trick.

    Other interests include kite making, dog training, yoga, and vintage toy restoration.  She lives in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with her amazing husband Brian.

  • Lenox Wallace, TWSA Master


    Lenox is an Illinois retired Art Teacher, with a BA and MA in Education. Painting in watercolor since 1982, studying with Irv Shapiro 2 summers, she's been a signature member of the TWSA since 1985, her work has appeared in 2 Splash books, is owned by museums and private owners throughout the US and two galleries have represented her work for over 20 years. As President in 2009-2011, Lenox focused on overseeing and supporting an organization that continues to grow, from expanded workshops to a social media presence. Lenox is currently serving as historian where she can be found scanning stacks and stacks of historical data into data files which will streamline our operation significantly. Lenox teaches workshops, runs critiques and creates demos for art schools, workshop venues and art leagues.

  • Donna Jill Witty, TWSA Master

    Signature Screening

    Donna Jill Witty first served on the TWSA Board in the late 1990s when she took over as Signature Screening Chair. After “retiring” in 2009, she returned to the same position again in 2013. In addition to Signature Screening, she served 2 years as first Vice President, 2 years as President and most recently Exhibition Co-Chair and Signature Screening Chair.

    Jill’s Education background includes the University of Florida and the American Academy of Art in Chicago, IL. She exhibits her paintings in the US and abroad, teaches watercolor workshops, gives demos, juries exhibitions and paints as much as possible! She has published several magazine articles, book chapters and "how-to" demos. Her work has been featured in several books including 5 of the ”Splash” series. She holds Signature Master status in TWSA as well as Signature Status in the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, and Watercolor Honor Society.

    “Travel is my passion,” she states, “and also my grandchildren……we have 12!” “They are a joy, an inspiration and Very Paintable!”

    Email: Signature Screening

Committee and Operations Chairs

  • Linda Christiansen

    Awards Chair

    Linda Christiansen has always had the heart of an artist but only more recently has she picked up the brush to paint in transparent watercolor. Although she had studied both art and architecture in school there had been gaps in her artistic expression. At the invitation of a close friend she took her first watercolor painting class taught by David J. Becker and fell in love with the medium. For Linda watercolor painting is a means, a way for her, to speak and the paintings are her voice. She feels that she can express in Watercolor that which she could not otherwise communicate. Painting translates the deep spiritual connection she feels with the Creator of the Universe into a language that others can better understand. It is the desire of her heart to primarily reflect an abiding love, acceptance and beauty to struggling humanity through her paintings. She especially enjoys sharing studio space and creative collaboration with her stained glass artesian husband Paul.

  • Kathie Stevens


    Kathie graduated from Columbia College with a Bachelor of Arts degree. In the late 1990’s, she decided to try her hand at art. She has tried most mediums but her true love is watercolor. She finds painting with watercolor extremely exciting and finds inspiration all around her. For the last 20 years, she has continued her education through classes and workshops, growing in her art and refining her style.

    Kathie proudly joined the Board of Directors of TWSA in 2017 as Marketing Chair. She belongs to numerous art organizations and her art is hanging nationally.

    Email: Marketing

  • Vicki Morley,

    Merchandise Chair

    • BFA in Interior Design from the University of Kansas
    •As a newlywed did a two year stint in Peace Corps in Bogota, Colombia. Continued living in Bogotá while husband worked for two additional years with OAS (Organization of American States)
    •First daughter was born in Bogotá
    •Speaks Spanish
    •Raised two daughters in Arlington Heights, IL
    •Studied painting seriously in early 90s focusing on transparent watercolor
    •Joined TWSA volunteering in the areas of Special Promotions, Slide Receiving, 2nd VP, 1st VP-Exhibition, TWSA President from 2003-05, President Emeritus and returning in 2017 as Dinner Chair….just can’t enough of TWSA!
    •Signature member of WW, FWS, KWS
    •Contributing Artist and former board member of Three Lakes Center for the Arts.
    •Has artwork published in “Breathing in Three Lakes”, a book in poem reflecting on Three Lakes, WI
    •Enjoys yoga, bicycling and puzzles
    •Loves travel and has visited 36 countries
    •Spends as much time as possible with 4 grandsons

Additional Committee/Operations:

  • Dinner Chair - Maureen Holcomb (email)

  • E-Newsletter Editor - (email)

  • Life Membership Chair - Twylla Tassava (email)

  • Final Screening Chair - Carolyn Owen Sommer (email)

  • Mini Paintings Auction - Marie Murrell (email)

  • Mini Paintings/Final Screening Framer - Vickie Kwasny (email)

  • Website - Joshua Mondie (email)

  • Special Promotions - (email)

  • Photographer - Lenox Wallace (email)